
Spectrohéliographe H-alpha du 18 octobre

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Le ciel était assez clair, mais il y avait un peu de vent. Le vent peut faire vibrer la monture et créer des perturbations de balayage. J'ai pu prendre beaucoup de scans, mais beaucoup d'entre eux semblaient avoir des segments étroits du scan qui étaient "flous", très probablement à cause des vibrations du vent.


The image below is a stack of 12 manually selected frames from a total of 24 scans. Software: FireCapture, AS!3, ImPPG, Photoshop Elements. The southern hemisphere seems to be where all the action is at the moment so although I did a full disk scan, I only present here the southern part. As before the telescope is 106mm aperture, 720mm focal length. 183mm camera, 2400 l/mm 50mm x 50mm grating. I include below a photo of the current spectrometer setup. The collimator lens is 135mm f3.5 and the camera lens is 150mm f4, both Asahi Pentax Super-Takumar M42 SLR lenses. The electronic focuser on the refractor has turned out to be extremely useful. Exposure 2.6ms, gain zero, average fps 366, ROI 3504 x 90. Scan in DEC. 2-inch Astronomik L1 UV/IR filter as ERF. 9 micron wide x 12mm long chrome / chrome-oxide on fused quartz slit.


Click on the photo to see at higher resolution.




Modifié par thesmiths
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Hello Douglas,


Very nice picture. I see that you can not stop tuning, modifying and re-tuning your spectrometer.


For the active south part of the sun ... I did the full Sunday (yes, it was the first sunny day for weeks ... at least when I was present) imaging and testing with the Sol'Ex in different orientation and scan direction.

In the afternoon, before the sun disappeared behind the next building, I did this image ... that is only one scan ! (Bresser 127/1200, Sol'Ex 80/125/2400, QHY-178, SharpCap script, only few contrast and luminosity adjustment with PaintShopPro).




Good evening,


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Hi JFP: I also did a single scan on Oct 16 (because the clouds came). It's not too bad but it's not possible to do much sharpening because of the noise. It was a full disc scan but again I just present the southern region. It is also rotated based on Tilting Sun. In general, I think a lot is gained from stacking even a small number of good scans. This one and my one above show the improvement possible with stacking.





I see that you can not stop tuning, modifying and re-tuning your spectrometer.


It's not obvious from the angle of the photo, but the side of the diffraction grating facing the collimator now has some matte black tape on it.

Modifié par thesmiths

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Heuuu ....vous avez dû confondre de site 

Astrosurf c est langue française...

Si si ....:D...j vous jure .....

Rien compris mais joli clichers ...





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