
Soleil du 4 mars 2023

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Bonjour a tous!


This is my first post on Astrosurf. It is a real pleasure to participate in this forum and learn from all of you! I share my photos taken with Solex from Córdoba in Spain (all are single images).


My configuration: Acuter Maksy60 tube + ND4 filter + Sol'ex + Asi178mm.


Obviously, with this configuration I am forced to perform two scans for each half disk scanned and then generate a mosaic. I am also collaborating in the Pro-Am Cospam project (the associated images were also upload in BASS2000 via ftp) .


I thank Olivier Aguerre for advising me on the procedure to generate the mosaics in accordance with the protocol established for the project.

....And of course, very especially Christian and Valerie! for this fantastic project and their efforts to motivate amateur astronomers in the exciting field of spectroscopy.


mosaico clahe+protus 2023-03-04.jpg

Doppler disco completo 2023-03-04.jpg

fotosfera  2023-03-04.jpg


Modifié par JAumente
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Bienvenue sur ce forum et bravo pour ces première images !



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belle performence .

xDxDxD par contre ,beaucoups d'entre nous fréquentent les forums anglophones et faisons l'effort de converser dans votre langue xDxDxD




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Thank you very much for your comments!


Banjo, it would be an honor to be able to comment in French, but my level is insufficient to do so. I also consider inappropriate to use Google Translate to put my comments in French,  and then it translates in any way. My language is Spanish, but logically I have preferred to participate in English because I have an admissible level to do it.

I sincerely hope this is not a problem...


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pas de problèmes , j'utilise google pour la traduction de vos messages et ça ne me dérange pas plus que ça .

mais je ferais de même pour l'espagnol avec google , sachant  que mon épouse maitrise parfaitement votre langue   , mais pas moi.

Ne prenait pas ça pour une attaque personnelle , mais juste une petite touche humour. xD

bonne soirée et on attend vos images avec impatience .




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New images. These from last March 12, in Halpha and doppler, and with better seeing conditions....






_12_16_18Z_SOLEX_ASI178_ND4_MAKSY60_Ha_20230312_121618_Ha+protus reducida.jpg


_12_16_18Z_doppler3_mosaico tratada2.jpg

Modifié par JAumente
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