
Premiers essais du meade ligtbridge 16"

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I have now had several nights with my new LB 16 and I will give you a few of my initial impressions. The telescope is very rigid both in altitude and azimuth and the altitude bearings are quite sufficient to handle the scope and the heavier Nagler eyepieces I am using. I am very pleased with the stability of the system. Unless you are viewing in a 20 mph wind, you shouldn't need extra bracing. The altitude brake works well, and I will eventually mount a weight system to the LTA. Fit and finish were excellent, in fact when I was unpacking it, the strong smell of paint came waffing out out of the box. The only problem was a small tab used with the altitude brake was broken on the end. I installed it anyway and it seems not to matter, and it cannot be seen since it is under the altitude bearing.

Understand this is a big telescope. You can forget loading this baby in a small car, the rocker box and ground board is too wide and tall. Count on hauling it around with at least a small station wagon or SUV. I have uploaded a file with some pictures. I have a cat in one of the pictures for scale.

On to the first impression of the optics. After careful collimation with the Glatter system (which is very straightforward in this scope) I found almost no miscollimation after it is in use. The lower tube assembly is quite heavy and the mirror cell is first rate. The scope comes with the upper and lower tube assemblies already assembled. There is a very large almost oversized fan in the back with a battery pack that controls the fan. Plan on buying eight AA's as your first purchase. Or hook in your own 12-volt source.

After a little practice with collimating the scope, I have achieved almost perfect optical alignment. The star test is all but textbook, and the stars are perfect round points. Brighter stars are a bit bloated due to the almost constant bad seeing here in central North Carolina , but Castor at 215X are two beautiful orbs with enough space between them to drive a Mack truck. On to Saturn, which was glorious! Color bands on the planet and detail in the rings. The skies and Saturn's low angle to the horizon (about 40 degrees) did not allow for viewing at powers about about 215X, but that was enough. Six moons were visible this evening from my very polluted suburban skies (Titan, Rhea, Tethys, Dione, Iapetus and Enceladus). The optics appear to be excellent. I will eventually have them tested at the local university (they have an optical interferometer and can do this type of testing). I have no doubt the optics are as advertised or better.

This is an excellent telescope, mechanically, optically, and fit and finish.

David Friday

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Comme toi Claude, mais peut-être que, en Français, les mots manquent pour exprimer les qualités de la chose.
Je vais essayer de poster en langue d'Oc tient...!

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Vive le traducteur automatique?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

""J'ai maintenant eu plusieurs nuits avec ma nouvelle LIVRE 16 et je vous donnerai quelques-unes de mes impressions initiales. Le télescope est très rigide tant dans l'altitude que l'azimut et les comportements d'altitude sont tout à fait suffisants de manipuler(traiter) la portée et les oculaires Nagler plus lourds que j'utilise. Je suis très heureux avec la stabilité du système. À moins que vous ne voyiez dans un vent de 20 km-h, vous ne devriez pas avoir besoin supplémentaire vivifiant. Le frein d'altitude travaille(marche) bien et je ferai(serai) finalement ....."

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En italien

Io ora ho avuto molte notti col mio Lb 16 nuovo ed io La darò alcuni delle mie impressioni iniziali. Il telescopio è molto rigido ambo in altitudine ed azimut ed il rapporto di altitudine è piuttosto sufficiente per occuparsi dello scopo e gli oculare di Nagler più pesanti io sto usando. Io sono molto lieto con la stabilità del sistema. A meno che Lei sta vedendo in un vento di mph del 20, Lei non dovrebbe avere bisogno straordinariamente di controventatura. Il freno di altitudine funziona bene, ed io eventualmente voglio

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en russe

ß ñåé÷àñ èìåë î÷åíü ìíîãî íî÷åé ñ ìîèì Ôóíò 16 íîâûì è ß äàì åå íåêîòîðûé èç ìîèõ ïåðâîíà÷àëüíûõ âïå÷àòëåíèé. Òåëåñêîï î÷åíü æåñòêèé è â âûñîòå è àçèìóòå è âçàèìîîòíîøåíèè âûñîòû ýòî äîâîëüíî äîñòàòî÷íî èìåòü äåëî ñ íàìåðåíèåì è ocular îäíèì èç áîëåå òÿæåëîãî Nagler ÿ èñïîëüçóþ. ß î÷åíü ðàä ñ óñòîé÷èâîñòüþ ñèñòåìû. Ðàçâå òîëüêî âû ñìîòðèòå â 20 ìèëü â ÷àñ âåòåðå, âû íå äîëæíû èìåòü ïîòðåáíîñòü extraordinarily áîäðÿùåãî. Òîðìîç âûñîòû ðàáîòû õîðîøî, è ß â êîíöå êîíöîâ õî÷ó

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Finalement, ça n'a rien à envier au débilotron...

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Dommage de tester un télescope en oubliant de regarder le ciel dedans (à part Castor et Saturne, OK, mais le ciel profond : rien !)

Nvysual : je viens de vérifier dans tes autres messages, tu parles parfaitement français (et plutôt mieux que la moyenne). Donc, de trois choses l'une :
- Tu es David Friday et tu parles suffisamment bien le français pour participer à un forum francophone, sauf aujourd'hui.
- Un certain David Friday a piraté ton mot de passe sur Astrosurf pour poster son test en ton nom.
- Tu as recopié le test de David Friday trouvé quelque part, et tu l'as collé ici sans te fatiguer.

Comme je soupçonne que c'est la 3è hypothèse, c'est sympa de nous faire connaître ce test, mais tu aurais pu ajouter un petit commentaire en français, ne serait-ce que pour préciser que tu n'es pas l'auteur du test.

[Ce message a été modifié par Bruno Salque (Édité le 16-05-2007).]

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Ca reste que ca fait un gros machin... aie mon dos...

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Tout ça c'est bien gentil... avec du miel tout plein...

Des bulletins de contrôle à l'interfero, et sur plusieurs exemplaires pris au hasard, ça serait plus interessant pour voir si il traine encore des L/3 par exemple

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Et ben Je pense que nvysual bosse chez Meade et qui fait le bon coup de pub en France !
eh eh h eheeh e
See ya

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