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Et il faut les ramener morts ou vifs ?


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putain !

vite aux abris, les Buil, Maury, David, Delmas,Colas,Marchai, Klotz,Lecacheux, Desnoux, moi ... j'en oublie ...

mort ou vif ky zont dit !

3000 dollar la tete !

Ô secours !

en fait suffit d'en trouver un, de se payer un peu plus de matos, en trouver un second avec et ainsi de suite ??

incroyable !, quant chez nous l'on a pas de quoi payer un chercheur .... monde a l'envers tout ca !

Franck V

[Ce message a été modifié par Franck V (Édité le 04-03-2004).]

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Rhaa Joël, faut faire coup double, tu déclares un astéroïde avec ben Laden dessus! :p


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Alors hier soir qu'est-ce que ça a donné ?.....un, deux, trois, quatre...euh non trois....alors 3 * 3000$ = 9000$...y'a plus qu'à choisir du nouveau matos...pour e découvriri encore PLUS... il faut que je me repose...a va pas bien moi aujourd'hui.

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J'avais vu passer ce projet du sénateur Rorhabacher, mais a priori ca ne devait concerner que les amateurs américains. De toute façon, il ne faut pas se faire de mal, 94.3% des astéroïdes géocroiseurs oconnus fin 2003 nt été découverts par des américains (amateurs inclus), et ce n'est pas l'activité "extra américaine" qui risque de leur faire du mal. (voir au passage http://www.astrosurf.com/maury/asteroides/2003/NEA2003.html )
L'amateur qui cherche des astéroïdes réellement doit dépenser largement plus que 3000 dollars d'équipement (additioner le prix d'un télescope de 60cm ou plus, une caméra grand champ, tout le foutoir qui va autour...)... Actuellement, dans les amateurs qui trouvent il y a des gens qui ont investis pas mal de fric (genre un amateur canadieno/chinois qui a acheté 4 centurions de 18 pouces, les caméras grand champ Apogee qui vont avec, bon, il avait le fric, mais ca fait quand même une petite fortune tout de suite...).
Donc ca dépend comme on le voit. Si ca peut motiver plus de gens à chercher c'est bien, mais il ne faut pas se leurrer, c'est un sport de riche quand même, et ce ne sont pas $3000 en plus ou en moins qui vont changer réellement la donne...

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Voilà le texte exact, en anglais...
C'est bien réservé aux amateurs US, ce qui semble logique....

Pete' Conrad Astronomy Awards Act (Introduced in House)

HR 912 IH


1st Session

H. R. 912
To authorize the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to establish an
awards program in honor of Charles `Pete' Conrad, astronaut and space scientist, for recognizing the
discoveries made by amateur astronomers of asteroids with near-Earth orbit trajectories.


February 25, 2003
Mr. ROHRABACHER introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Science


To authorize the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to establish an
awards program in honor of Charles `Pete' Conrad, astronaut and space scientist, for recognizing the
discoveries made by amateur astronomers of asteroids with near-Earth orbit trajectories.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in
Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the `Charles `Pete' Conrad Astronomy Awards Act'.


(a) PROGRAM AUTHORIZED- The Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(hereafter referred to as the `Administrator') is authorized to establish the Charles `Pete' Conrad
Astronomy Awards Program. The Administrator is authorized to contract with the Minor Planet Center
of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (hereafter referred to as the `Minor Planet Center') to
administer the program.

(b) PURPOSE- The purpose of the program authorized by subsection (a) shall be to award outstanding
amateur astronomers who make asteroid discoveries and to augment asteroid discovery efforts by the

(c) AWARD CATEGORIES- The award program authorized under subsection (a) shall consist of 3
categories of awards as follows:

(1) FIRST CATEGORY- An award in the first category shall be presented annually to the amateur
astronomer who, using amateur equipment only, discovers the largest absolute magnitude new asteroid
having a near-Earth orbit during the preceding calendar year.

(2) SECOND CATEGORY- An award in the second category shall be presented annually to an amateur
astronomer for pre-discovery and recovery efforts, including--

(A) the discovery of asteroids by an amateur as a result of information produced by
professional telescopes or as a result of the amateur's use of time on professional equipment; and

(B) efforts to locate newly discovered asteroids using old images and already discovered
near-Earth orbit asteroids that have been `lost'.

(3) THIRD CATEGORY- An award in the third category shall be presented annually to the amateur
astronomer, or professional not funded for optical astronomy, who provides the greatest service to
update the minor planet catalogue. Eligible discoveries may be made by visual, photographic, or
electronic means.

(d) GUIDELINES FOR AWARDING PRIZES- General guidelines for the awarding of prizes are as follows:

(1) Prizes shall be awarded to the person or group with the greatest contributions as determined
by the Minor Planet Center for the second and third categories.

(2) The award in the first category shall not be presented for years in which there are no
eligible asteroid discoveries.

(3) All awards are reserved for United States citizens.

(4) The decisions of the Minor Planet Center in administering the award program are final.

(e) ELIGIBILITY- Individuals are eligible to apply for the awards authorized under this section if
the following conditions are satisfied:

(1) All applicants must demonstrate that they are not funded to use professional telescopes or
observations and are acting solely in an amateur capacity.

(2) Government and professional astronomers associated with the near-Earth orbit asteroid
project, as well as members of their immediate families, are not eligible for the awards.

(f) REGULATIONS- The Administrator or the Minor Planet Center may prescribe such regulations as
may be necessary to implement the program authorized by this section.

(g) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS- There are authorized to be appropriated to $10,000 for each
of fiscal years 2004 and 2005 to carry out this Act.

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