

Since 2001, I have given some lectures and some private lessons to students at different levels, in mathematics, physics and astrophysics.

You will find here some of my course notes (in french and/or in english).


I - Doctorate and Master's degree

Fokker-Planck equations; .pdf (in french)

Relativité Générale, exercices et applications corrigés (General Relativity, exercises & applications with solutions); avalaible in few monthes...

[Problème] Géodésiques dans l'espace-temps de Schwarzschild (Geodesics in the Schwarzschild spacetime); .pdf (in french)

Waves in plasma (Ondes dans un plasma); .pdf (in english)

Relativité Générale, une approche mathématique (General Relativity, a mathematical introduction); .pdf (in french)

Formalisme tensoriel (Tensorial formalism); .pdf (in french)

Quantique (Quantum theory); .pdf (in french)


II - BSc degree

Champ électromagnétique d'une charge en mouvement (Electromagnetic field of a moving charge); .pdf (in french)

Introduction to Fermi acceleration (Introduction à l'accélération de Fermi); .pdf (in english)

Transformation de Lorentz-Poincaré (Lorentz transformation); .pdf (in french)

Gravitation newtonienne (Newtonian gravitation); .pdf (in french)

Mécanique des Milieux Continus (Fluid Mechanics); .pdf (in french)

Thermodynamique (Thermodynamics); .pdf (in french)

Rayonnement Thermique (Thermal Emission); .pdf (in french)

Séries de Fourier, Transformées de Fourier et Distribution de Dirac; .pdf (in french)


I have also given some lectures in astronomy for "beginners":

Rayons cosmiques, messagers de l'Univers; .pdf (in french)

Panorama de l'astronomie moderne; .pdf (in french)

La conservation du moment cinétique du nuage interstellaire aux étoiles de la séquence principale; .pdf (in french)



Contact: Denis_Gialis"at"yahoo.fr

Web address : www.dg-homepage.sup.fr

