Christian Nitschelm

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Doctor in Astronomy and Space Techniques (PhD)

Full Professor & Researcher, Center of Astronomy (CITEVA), University of Antofagasta, Chile

External Research Collaborator at Astrophysics Institute of Paris (IAP), France.

Member of the SDSS IV / APOGEE 2 South collaboration.

Professional Cursus: Curriculum Vitae (in English)

Publication List: Publication List (in English)

Publication List (ADS): Publication List (in English)

Publication List (Google Scholar): Publication List (in English)

e-mails: christian DOT nitschelm AT gmail DOT com; christian DOT nitschelm AT uantof DOT cl

URL (in English):

URL (in French):

Some articles and books already published and/or available on line

(most of them in French and Spanish, a few in English and other languages)


Against Astrology

When astrology is tested by science
Original text in French: L'astrologie au crible de la science (introduction)
French to Spanish translation: La astrología puesta en duda por las ciencias (introduction)
Original text in French: L'astrologie au crible de la science (main description)
French to Spanish translation: La astrología puesta en duda por las ciencias
French to Italian translation: L'astrologia al vaglio della scienza
French to Danish translation: Astrologi i videnskabens sigtesold
A new evidence against astrology (in French): Découverte d'un trans-neptunien plus gros que Pluton
A new evidence against astrology (in Spanish): Descubrimiento de un trans-neptuniano más grande que Plutón
Pluto not considered anymore as a main planet (in French): Pluton déchu de son titre de planète majeure
A more classical argument against astrology (in English): Gravitational and Tidal Forces
Bibliography (in French)

Against Creationism and Intelligent Design

Original text in French: Le créationnisme est-il scientifiquement recevable?
French to Spanish translation: ¿Es el creacionismo cientificamente aceptable?
French to Danish translation: Er kreationismen videnskabeligt acceptabel?

General history, history of astronomy, calendars

La civilisation Maya
French to Spanish translation: La civilización Maya
Pourquoi la nuit est-elle noire?
French to Spanish translation: ¿Por qué la noche es oscura?
Date réelle de la fin du XXème siècle
French to Spanish translation: ¿Cual fue la fecha exacta del final del siglo XX?

Physics and mathematics useful in astronomy

La notion de temps du point de vue scientifique
French to Spanish translation: La noción de tiempo por el lado científico
Préfixes & Unités (pdf file)
French to Spanish translation: Prefijos y Unidades (pdf file)
Introducción a las nociones de derivadas y diferenciales (pdf file)
Mécanique céleste: Équations du mouvement (pdf file)
French to Spanish translation: Mecánica celeste: Ecuaciones del movimiento (pdf file)
Introducción a la astronomía esférica y a la mecánica celeste (pdf file)
Óptica geométrica (pdf file)

Some Research Publications since the year 2000 (pdf files)


Catalogue of Named Stars, January 1990, C. Nitschelm, 115 pages. New edition in May 2003, 117 pages.
This Catalogue of Named Stars is directly available from the author (e-mail: christian.nitschelm AT
L'ABCdaire du Ciel, 1998, C. Nitschelm, E. Biémont, R. Leguet, F. Troubat, C. Ehm, Flammarion Editions, Paris (120 pages).
This book was also translated:
To Korean language and edited in 2000 by Chang Hae Editions, Seoul.
To Portuguese language and edited in 2003 by Reborn Editions, Lisbon.
L'ABCdaire de la Lune, 1999, C. Nitschelm, C. Ehm, M. Schleiss, Flammarion Editions, Paris (120 pages).
This book was also translated:
To Italian language and edited in 2003 by Rizzoli Libri Illustrati Editions, Milano.
To Portuguese language and edited in 2003 by Reborn Editions, Lisbon.
L'Astronomie de la Préhistoire à nos jours (History of Astronomy), 2000, C. Nitschelm, Burillier Editions, Vannes (256 pages).
The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, 2007 (second edition in 2014), collective work, Springler Science+Business Media, LLC, New York, Thomas Hockey editor in chief.
C. Nitschelm: Biographies of Jacques Babinet (p. 77-78), Edmond Bour (p. 157), Heraclides Ponticus (p. 486), Maurice Loewy (p. 712-713) and Pierre-Charles Le Monnier (p. 798-799).
Histoire de l'Astronomie des origines à nos jours, September 2013, C. Nitschelm, Nouveau Monde Editions, Paris, 320 pages.
Contents (in French) of this last book.
Historia de la Astronomía desde los orígenes hasta nuestra época, 2014, C. Nitschelm, Editorial Piélago, Santiago, Chile, 366 pages.
Contents (in Spanish) of this last book.
Le voyage de Terre, 2015, Willow, autoedited by the author, 112 pages. Printer BNC Publications, Bernay, France.
C. Nitschelm: Realization in French language of 32 astronomical entries included in the printed book, as well as an astronomical glossary available online.
As a part of the third edition of "The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers" (2023), ten biographies published online of Twentieth Century astronomers: "Arbey, Louis", C. Nitschelm; "Bigay, Joseph-Henri", Y. Gomas & C. Nitschelm; "Bloch, Marie", Y. Gomas & C. Nitschelm; "Brun, Antoine", Y. Gomas & C. Nitschelm; "Cheng, Maolan", Y. Gomas & C. Nitschelm; "Couder, André Joseph Alexandre", C. Nitschelm & Y. Gomas; "Gauzit, Junior", Y. Gomas & C. Nitschelm; "Luizet, Michel", Y. Gomas & C. Nitschelm; "Rougier, Gilbert Léon Laurent", Y. Gomas & C. Nitschelm; "Texereau, Jean", C. Nitschelm.

[Image of Histoire_de_l_astronomie.jpg]

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Genealogical tree of the Nitschelm family

Buick Riviera 1973

Clic on the image for having its enlargement.

Clic on the image for having its enlargement.

(This one was my own car during the whole 1987 Summer, when I spent three months and half in USA...).

Photographic source: Jean Mouette (mouette AT

Gustav Holst: The Planets

Gustav Holst: The Planets

This page has been visited counter free times since Sunday July 5th, 2020.

This document was carried out by Christian Nitschelm

Creation date of this English translation: Monday September 14th, 1998
Last update of this English translation: Sunday August 27th, 2023